Sunday, October 28, 2007

World's Best Appliance Salesman

His name is Dick Dean, and he works at Lowes in Yakima.

I hadn't intended to buy all our new appliances at Lowes. I actually gave the locally-owned guys a chance about a year ago, but was treated shabbily in their I went exploring at Lowes. You know how many different front-loading washers and dryers there are out there these days? You know the ONE PHYSICAL FEATURE that makes my Bosch pair better than any of the others that Lowe's sells? Dick Dean does! He showed me. This feature isn't even listed in the Bosch literature. Dick knows from personal experience (he and his wife own this same pair) and from lots of time on the sales floor.

Do you REALLY understand how convection ovens work? Dick can explain it with clarity and patience, using very relatable analogies. Lowes typically has four or five different brands of any appliance type. Tell Dick what you want and don't want, and he'll recommend the best for you...and it won't necessarily be the most expensive. His depth of knowledge is phenomenal, as is his credibility.

There may be drawbacks to buying appliances from a box store. But this guy's knowledge and helpfulness outweighed them. If you need any new appliances, seek out Dick Dean at Lowes in Yakima. He knows his stuff!