It's the best season. Cold, starry nights. Morning fog that lifts by 10 a.m. Sunshine that illuminates the quakies and cottonwoods as temperatures "soar" to 65 degrees. Deep blue skies.
In about a month we'll be here for good...and the 5th-wheel will be home for a few weeks till the house is liveable.
Fireplace is done, except for the mantle. Roof completion was delayed when a roofer fell off the wet metal last week. He wasn't seriously hurt, thank goodness, but those dry days are becoming few and far between now.
Gene, the stone mason, had to go home before completion of his job, due to a bad hip. He'll be back soon, we hope.
And then one of Larry's carpenters quit last Friday, so it's back to a crew of two: Larry and Eric. Any carpenters out there want a job in Montana? There are immediate openings!!