It was supposed to be a mule....but practicality came through, and Don decided his first equine should be a horse.
He wanted a horse for recreational riding and exploring the endless mountain trails around here. His friend John Webb lives across the river, and John and his wife (who used to live in Yakima, by the way) enjoy that type of riding. So Don decided it was high time he joined John on some rides this summer.
We've spent many nights this winter perusing "Craig's List." It's a buyer's market for horses right now, and there were dozens of good-sounding horses posted every week in northwestern Montana and the Spokane area. We even went to look at one of them in Bonner's Ferry. He was supposed to be real prize, but ended up more of a booby prize. (He liked to lie down in the snow when he had a rider on his back...and he didn't just do it to Don, he did it to me too!!)
Fortunately the internet led us to a local prospect. We found a nice gelding just a few miles down the road. The price was fair, considering this horse fit our specs. He's short (14.3 hands) so he's easy to mount, he's quiet, well trained, experienced in ranchwork and trails, and doesn't have any "attitude." IOW, he's a safe horse. Jake is 10 years old. He's a very plain little sorrel with a white star on his face and snip on his nose.
Weather's still a bit unfriendly, but as soon as we can dig the trailer out of the ice, Don's going to start trailering Jake up to the local arena (5 miles away) for some lessons.
We still have "my" two geldings--the Icelandic and the Tennessee Walker, both 22 years old. We said goodbye to Babe, the 34-year-old Appaloosa (and boss mare), a few days before Christmas. Her resting place is beside the pasture.
Jake arrived yesterday. The seller unloaded him at the top of our icy hill, and Don walked him the 3/4 mile home.
It's good to have three horses in our three-horse barn once again.