They finished in this order of popularity:.
- Redbreast (smooth and rich, long finish)
- Jameson (good, but not as good or expensive as Redbreast)
- Powers (VERY comparable to Jameson and several $$ cheaper!)
- Bushmills (tasted like colored water compared to everything else)
We finished the evening with a classic Irish Coffee....
- Pour strong, hot coffee into mug
- Dissolve 2 tsp. cane sugar in coffee
- Add 1 oz. Jameson
- Top with frothy floating cream, gently poured over the back of a spoon.
I'm not a big fan of Irish whiskey, but this Irish Coffee recipe is an absolutely decadent treat at evening's end!
One downside to this spirits education we're giving ourselves: we really, unfortunately, CAN tell the difference between the good stuff and the cheap stuff, and will never be quite satisfied with bottom-shelf again. However, consider that a bottle of really good spirits will be sipped and savored over a year or two, rather than masked and quickly guzzled in mixed drinks. It's worth paying $10-$15 more for a bottle of great product. Life is short, after all...too short to waste on inferior anything!