Don closed Shooters Supply on Nov. 3, but still has a lot of packing and cleanup to do there. We will be out of Yakima by Nov. 30. It's hard to imagine how we'll do it, but of course it'll get done. People do it all the time.
Between Shooters Supply and our house, we have at least four more loads to haul to Shorthorse. The last load will be our three horses.
Don's made the last couple trips while I've stayed home to pack up stuff and take care of dogs & horses. He got back last night with photos of the exterior (almost all the siding is up) and interior (almost all the drywall is hung). He says it feels like a real house now.
The drywallers should finish this week, and a team of Mennonite carpenters will be in to put the tongue-in-groove cedar and pine on the rest of the interior walls.