Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Sign Is Finally Up!

In 2006 we purchased a custom-made sign from J. Dubbs in Ellensburg.  The sign was our "logo" of Shorthorse, our place here in Montana.  We'd decided that, instead of the traditional log arch over our driveway, we'd just find a big rock and face it with this J. Dubbs sign.

It didn't happen until today, four years later, but it's been worth the wait.  The "Shorthorse" rock at the end of our driveway is now in place.  It needs a little landscaping and spiffing up, but basically it's THERE now.

The rock fortuitously came from right across our road.  The neighbors, Jim and Kathy Hill, were gracious enough to let us dig it out of the embankment next to the road.  Actually, the guy who did the excavating was Jason Hill, who does it for a living and makes his home about a mile from our place.

Don didn't have any trouble drilling holes in the rock to mount the sign.

No one should have any trouble identifying our driveway anymore!

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