The July 11-12 weekend has to be the most hectic and overbooked of the entire summer. Like folks all over the country, Don and I each had about six different events or activities from which to choose.
"Haying" won out for him, by necessity. Our friends, the Bergers, finally got their hay cut and baled in between threats of thunderstorms. Sunday was the big day and small window to get the bales out of the field and safely stored for winter. Thanks to a group effort of Bergers, Don, and John Webb (ironically, all three families migrated here from central Washington!) the hay is now distributed among us and stashed. Don and I have about nine tons of brome in the barn--more than plenty for our three horses, even if we didn't have pasture too.
Meanwhile, I was in Missoula competing in the 3rd Annual Missoula Marathon with about 2300 other folks. I only did the HALF-marathon (a mere 13.1 miles). We crossed the start line at 6 a.m. I finished with a time of 3 hours 24 minutes. I walked the whole way. It was long and boring, but I finished pain-free. Will I do it again next year? Nope, that sport is not for me. But at least I have a marathon t-shirt now, and a medal for finishing the Half!
So this morning we woke to rain, and a day of rest. The hay and half-marathon ordeals are behind us. Now Don will start on the firewood supply for winter...and I'm going riding and kayaking!
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