Monday, December 20, 2010

Lizzie goes visiting

Lizzie goes visiting once in a while.  She has good friends at the nursing home in Plains (about 40 miles east of us), and she likes to go see them on Tuesday afternoons.  So I drive her down there and watch her work the hallway.

She loves to see these folks, and they love her.  We'll go from room to room, and she'll jump up on a patient's bed if she's invited.  The patients enjoy just watching her, feeling her warmth, stroking her, and reminiscing about the dogs they used to have as kids.

I'm not sure she understands how much joy she spreads when she visits them.  But I do know how much she gets out of it herself.

This little pit bull, who came to us via a Safeway parking lot puddle four years ago, has brightened many lives.  I'm very proud of her.

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